Wednesday 20 March 2013

Taps - The conclusion?

So apparently the taps weren't quite done!

Olives.  Not avocados, as I have repeatedly called them today!

These tricky little blighters turned out to be the problem!  Despite stating confidently, last night, that the job was finished, it turned out that they were still leaking every so slightly.

So today, after getting a couple of hours sleep following my night shift, I decided to attack the problem and get it sorted, hopefully once and for all.  Stripping the pipes down again was a lot easier today having had the experience from yesterday.  I managed to cut the offending olives off fairly easily and replace them.  Add some new nuts to the compression joint and I hoped we were ready to go.

Fingers crossed.  Turn the water back on again.....Success!  No leaking anymore.  Another 20 minutes saw me fit the new plug-plunger thingy (edit: apparently called Pop-Up Waste) and we now have a functioning sink once more.

Do I dare attack the bath tomorrow and attempt to change those taps too?  I'm not sure...

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