Wednesday, 22 January 2014

We have moved!

And before you ask, NO, not house again.... I don't think either of us can face that quite yet!
Our blog has moved house, which is considerably easier than really moving house. We had decided a little while ago that we had been neglecting the blog, so we decided to give it a little push, put a bit more thought into it and try to keep the momentum going.
So, from here on in, you can find our blog at
Please update your bookmarks/RSS feeds etc (HA! Look at me being all presumptuous!) as we won't be adding any more posts to the old site.  It will be auto directing to here for the time being, though it may get shut down eventually.

Friday, 17 January 2014

"New look" blog and exciting things to come!

Happy 2014 from the Raggedy House!

Firstly, apologies for the lack of blogs recently. We threw ourselves into sorting the house out so that we would have plenty to tell you lovely people about. Expect to see lots of new blogs over the coming weeks showing you what we've been up to.

We've also been updating the blog including a new design and some new content:

Our new year's resolution is to give the blog a bit more love too, so expect some more changes around here soon.